what is a mileage of a car

Hero FinCorp
4 min readFeb 15, 2023


Similar to buying a new car, used-car purchase calls for intense research and corroboration of information shared with you. You look at online reviews, seek dealer opinion, make a list of desirable features, and thoroughly inspect the state of the car before signing the deal. Amid all this scrutiny, one thing that is often overlooked is the mileage of the used car. As a buyer, it’s the biggest blunder you can make. Good mileage for used cars is as important as getting a low-cost deal.

What Does Mileage Mean?

Mileage” refers to the average distance or number of kilometres your car can go on a given quantity of fuel. The term refers to how efficient the engine of your old car is. Your car’s mileage may vary based on the road and driving circumstances. You might get good mileage for a used car if you drive on the highway. However, driving on the off-roads may not offer you the results you desire.

How to Check the Car Mileage?

To calculate your car’s mileage, you don’t need to keep track of every kilometre. Just keep an eye on the odometer. It records wheels’ rotations and multiplies them by the circumference of the wheels. Try to stay away from wheel modifications if you want accurate information.

Remember that the car’s mileage varies depending on many factors such as the car’s age, driving conditions, faulty engines, overloading, and driving style.

Significance of Used Car Mileage

  • You Can Determine the Age of the Car
  1. When you go to a dealership to buy a used car, the first and most important consideration is the car’s age. The age of the car plays a role in determining the likelihood of getting a loan on second-hand car. If the vehicle you are purchasing is approaching the phase-out age (15 years), your loan application will be denied.
  2. The mileage of the car is directly proportional to the car’s age. It means if the odometer is showing high numbers, expect the car to be steered around for a long period. The car’s higher mileage also indicates that it has undergone major wear and tear. Therefore, you will need to spend more and quite frequently on repairs and maintenance.
  • You Can Determine the Car’s Condition
  1. A used car with good mileage means the car you are purchasing is in good condition. It implies that the previous owner has handled the car with care. However, remember the car with low numbers on the odometer and good mileage does not always prove its supremacy. If the vehicle is left unattended for an extended period, the battery may be damaged, vital metal components may oxidise, tyres may lose pressure, and other issues may arise.
  2. Keep in mind that while high mileage vehicles may not be the best pick, very low mileage vehicles are unquestionably the worst.
  • You Can Analyse the Maintenance Record
  1. Good mileage for used cars gives you a rough idea of its maintenance record. If the four years old car continues to deliver what it did when it was purchased from the showroom, rest assured.
  2. Remember that a car that has been in a serious accident or has had several repairs or major part replacements will not provide satisfactory mileage. You can also ask for insurance documents and a service record book from the seller. Examine the insurance records for information on previous claims. A service record book can also provide insight into how the vehicle was driven in the past.
  • You Can Determine the Engine Condition/Type
  1. Mileage also provides information about your vehicle’s engine. If the car offers better mileage, it’s because its engine is big. Similarly, low mileage indicates a small engine. Smaller engines are not suited for travelling large distances in a single trip. Some of the frequent concerns that you may find while driving such cars are heating issues and rapid wear. Additionally, vehicles with smaller engines have higher maintenance costs.

Buying a Used Car Here is How You Can Get a Good Deal

What is a Good Mileage for Used Cars?

There is no one answer to this question. Since mileage is reliant upon various factors, one of which is the car’s model, it is totally up to you to determine the appropriate mileage. In case you are planning to purchase sporty or luxurious cars, don’t expect much in terms of fuel economy.

Just for reference, people often avoid buying a used car that has been driven more than 1 lakh miles.

How to Increase the Used Car Mileage?

There are numerous methods available on the Internet to help you boost your mileage. However, the most basic steps that you can follow are:

Quick Guide on Pre-Owned Car Financing

To Conclude

If you are wondering why to buy a second-hand car then think about affordability and value for money. When it comes to saving money, you can’t neglect the relevance of mileage. Never miss out on taking the test drive. If necessary, take the help of a professional mechanic to help you better understand the mileage of the car you are planning to buy.

Originally published at https://www.herofincorp.com.



Hero FinCorp

Hero FinCorp is a diversified financial services provider in India.